Friday, October 18

Here’s How UST-Legazpi Teach During The Pandemic

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) recently brought a wide-scale medical illness that adversely affected many countries as of today. It includes the Philippines from which has consistently increased its positive cases recorded since the initial outbreak. In effect, it put everyone’s lives on halt which has delayed many plans and dreams.

The global pandemic made a huge impact in the different areas of life that includes education. As students are in community quarantine, no one is allowed to go out. It is another challenge yet to be surpassed by the Philippine government.

Fast forward to December 2020, the past few months have resulted in the conduct of both asynchronous and synchronous classes in most educational institutions.

The University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi is one of the many institutions in the Bicol region that continuously provided learning for their students. It emphasized the high level of adaptability for the teachers to sustain the learners’ needs in academics.

In various levels from the UST elementary to postgraduate education, online or modular learning is made possible.

To know more, here’s how UST-Legazpi works amid the pandemic.

Flexible Online Education

UST-Legazpi ensures that every student shall learn despite the current global crisis brought upon by COVID-19. The flexible online education is in pursuit of inclusivity wherein no one is left behind.

As a result, it gave students more time to be productive. While there may be challenges, the institution is ever-welcoming to guide them and provide solutions to queries. Being hailed as one of the best schools for business management Bicol and other programs, UST-Legazpi seeks to uphold the highest standards of teaching in any situation.

The flexibility manifested by the institution shows the importance of learning which is not only confined within the four walls of a room. If you’re either a student or teacher, education has indeed made a significant part this year.

Academic Leniency In Requirements

UST-Legazpi is less strict in terms of compliance to academic requirements. The institution exercises leniency to consider the diverse needs of students such as internet connection, resources, and conducive environment, among others.

The sense of leniency also helps students to be given prior concern and attention. In fact, teachers don’t require much documents to be submitted at all. There are different mechanisms used to help lessen both the burden on the students and educators.

COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on everyone. It is necessary that health is prioritized over academics at this point of time. Plus, constant updates are presented at for information.

Unwavering Teacher Support

Teachers are at the frontline during the educational process amid a pandemic. They are giving maximum efforts despite the hurdles in teaching which includes lack of stable internet connection, mental challenges, and varying concerns of students.

Simply put, teachers have provided more support than what is expected of them. It made a significant impact on the students’ learning to become effective and efficient.

To see more, they are providing bullets of information at that help students get updated.

Final Word

These are the key reasons why UST-Legazpi is able to provide quality education amid the pandemic. Use this as your overview or glimpse to the new system of teaching by the institution.